Apheresis & collection center training
Browse courses and resources for apheresis and collection center staff.
Apheresis and Collection Center Training
This training is designed to provide you the materials, resources and knowledge of the donation and collection process. The training is ordered to follow the process of bringing a donor through the donation process starting with scheduling activities with the donor.
PBSC IND Study Training
This module will provide required training for center staff participation on the Filgrastim-Mobilized Peripheral Blood Stem Cells for Allogeneic Transplantation with Unrelated Donors IND protocol. It includes sections on donor center responsibilities, apheresis center responsibilities, protocol specific requirements, data entry, safety event reporting, and Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines.
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NMDP Confidentiality Training
Guidelines and procedures training for all Network staff members to protect the privacy of transplant recipients and blood stem cell donors.
Fear of Needles Quick Guide
This quick guide provides helpful tools to support donors with a fear of needles.
Citrate Toxicity
This guide provides essential information on preventing and treating Citrate Toxicity, along with other key factors to support patient care.
Peripheral Access
This guide provides best practices for securing donor Peripheral Access for stem cell donation, including donor preparation, strategies for the Day of Collection, and guidance on return and access lines. It also offers troubleshooting solutions to ensure successful Peripheral Access in case of unforeseen challenges.
Predictive Algorithm
This guide offers a reliable approach to accurately estimating the volume of whole blood required for processing based on a donor’s pre-apheresis CD34+ count and the transplant center’s target CD34+ product. It also includes examples, diagrams, key reminders, and contact information for further assistance.
Collection coordination
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