Search Services
Explore options to support your unrelated donor search
Whether your patient’s search is straightforward or more difficult than usual, access the services and tools you need for an efficient, effective unrelated donor or cord blood unit (CBU) search.
Search options and forms
Search and testing forms
Access forms to request a preliminary search, custom search support, or a recipient transfer, or to cancel or reactivate a formal search. Also find forms to request confirmatory typing of CBUs and related donor sample collection for HLA typing.
Preliminary Search
Learn how to submit a preliminary search request and interpret preliminary search results. Access information on requesting additional phenotype searches for rare or unusual typing.
Formal Search
Access resources available during a formal search to help you efficiently receive the donor HLA-typing you need, when you need it. Explore information, forms and procedures for routine and customized typing options, along with FedEx reference codes for IDM and research sample shipments. Also access information on canceling, reactivating or transferring a formal search.
International searches and workup
Find international donor registry and cord blood bank information, performance data, and search and workup forms to aid in your donor selection and planning.
Search Consultation and Tools
Search Strategy Advice
Tap into HLA expertise to identify donors and CBUs most likely to meet your center’s match criteria. Access the Search Strategy Advice request form and a sample report.
Search Prognosis Tool
Use this simple scoring system developed by CIBMTR® (Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research®) to understand the potential difficulty of identifying a fully matched or suitably mismatched unrelated donor for a patient using their race/ethnicity and genotype frequency. By understanding the likely search outcome, you can engage HLA expertise earlier in your search process and consider alternative stem cell source options sooner.
Search Assistance Fund
Apply for Search Assistance Fund reimbursement if your patient has insurance barriers preventing them from moving forward with transplant. The fund covers up to $20,000 of NMDPSM search and procurement fees billed to the patient by the transplant center that insurance doesn’t cover.
Cord Blood Consultation Service
Connect with a physician with experience in cord blood selection and transplant for advice on identifying cord blood units for your patient.
Learning Opportunities
HLA and search strategy
Explore HLA and search strategy learning opportunities