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Study-level submissions

Please use IRBManager for submissions to the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) Institutional Review Board. Refer to the IRBManager for Researchers and Staff User Guide for navigation instructions.

Submitting a study for initial NMDP IRB Review

  • For a new bio-medical or social/behavioral study, submit applicable Initial Application xForm from your Dashboard in IRBManager
  • If you need help determining if the study is human subjects research requiring IRB review, submit the Human Subjects Research Determination xForm from your Dashboard in IRBManager
  • If your study involves NMDP unrelated donors, and you’re wondering if it needs NMDP IRB approval, refer to the Donors as Research Subjects Algorithm (PDF).

Submitting continuing reviews to the NMDP IRB

Approximately two months prior to the review, the principal investigator and study contacts will receive an email from IRBManager that contains a link to the xForm to begin the continuing review application.

Submitting study revisions for NMDP IRB Review

Revisions to previously-approved research must be submitted from within the study in IRBManager. To submit protocol, amendments, consent form revisions, a study-level PI change, or other changes:

  1. Click into the study from your Dashboard under My Studies.
  2. Click Start xForm on the left navigation and select the IRB Request for Study Amendment xForm.

For questions or assistance, please contact IRBStaff@nmdp.org