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IRBManager is an online submission, workflow, and data management system for the NMDP Institutional Review Board IRB).


To access IRBManager, log in at https://nmdp.my.irbmanager.com

  • New users: Register by clicking the Click here to register link.
  • Existing users: Your username is your email address. Need to reset your password? Click the Forgot Password link.
  • NMDP employee: Email IRBStaff@nmdp.org to activate Okta. Once activated, click the link under NMDP Employees.

Make a submission

The electronic forms (xForms) provided within IRBManager allow users to submit new studies, continuing reviews, amendments, reportable events, and other study documents.

xForms are started under the action 'Start xForm' from either your Dashboard or a specific study or site. Read the description of an xForm to determine which one to use.

Add a study contact

For study sites that have already been approved by the NMDP IRB: Current study-site contacts can add other contacts using the Add/Remove Study-Site Contacts xForm.

For new study sites: Contacts will automatically be added to the study site after the NMDP IRB review and approval of the NMDP sIRB Study-Specific Local Context Worksheet xForm.

User Guide/FAQ

IRBManager for Researchers and Staff user guide (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)

Need Help?

For questions or assistance, contact IRBStaff@nmdp.org.
