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Council Advisory Group

Meet the Council Advisory Group

The Council Advisory Group (CAG) is NMDPSM advisory group. The CAG is your direct line of communication to our NMDP leadership. Members of this board-level advisory group come from within our Network of partners facilitating unrelated transplants. They’re passionate about working with you to answer questions, facilitate improvements and always put the needs of patients and donors first.

FY25 Council Advisory Group goals

Accelerate progress

  • Donor mental health (multi-year goal):
    • Provide education and awareness to address and effectively manage donor mental health needs in the US
    • Participate in the WMDA Pillar 3, Medical Committee Donor Mental Health project
    • Explore learning needs of NMDP network apheresis center and collection center donor-facing staff
    • Submit abstracts to key conferences
  • As opportunities arise, support current clinical trials by leveraging peer networks to encourage participation and provide feedback to NMDP on future study needs.

World Class Partner

  • Support the NMDP D360 and Transplant Center Improvements (TCI) projects through input on Network needs, feedback on upgrades, and user testing.
  • Provide TC user feedback on MatchSource organization of graft source options.

Expand Access

  • As opportunities arise, support NMDP community physician education and outreach initiatives by providing recommendations with goal of increasing knowledge and early patient referrals.

The CAG members serve as your liaison between NMDP and the Network. The members meet regularly with NMDP leadership to review questions, issues and recommendations from Network members.

Each member of the Council of Advisory Group represents a part of the Network – transplant centers, contracted donor centers, operated donor centers, cord blood banks, apheresis centers and collection centers. They are nominated for two-year terms and can serve up to two consecutive terms.

  • Megan Lubitz, MS, RN, Council Advisory Group Chair
  • Kimberly Kasow, DO, Council Advisory Group Vice Chair
  • Jill Kendall-Erb, BA, Contracted Donor Center Representative
  • Patricia (Trish) Hankins, BSN, RN, CCRC, Transplant Center Representative
  • Jaclyn Jacques, Transplant Center Representative
  • David Steffin, MD, Transplant Center Representative
  • Kimberly Schmit-Pokorny, RN, MSN, OCN, BTMCN, Transplant Center Representative
  • Naomi Herrera, LVN, Apheresis Center Representative
  • Luis Hernandez, CQIA (ASQ), Cord Blood Bank Representative
  • Rick Morse, BS, Operated Donor Center Representative

Council Advisory Group webinars

As the Network constantly evolves, the Council Advisory Group is dedicated to identifying best practices with the patient and donor in mind.

Confidentiality policy updates

Learn about changes to the NMDP Confidentiality Policy, along with how it affects communication between NDMP and Network partners.

Time matters

Learn about the importance of a patient’s timeline to transplant, cancellations and postponements, how these delays impact the donor, and what each center can do to influence change. Peers will also share how the efforts Network members are making today are contributing to a lasting impact.

Submit a question, suggestion or comment

If you have questions, suggestions or comments., email the Council Advisory Group. The CAG and NMDP meet monthly and will review the latest questions and comments at the next scheduled meeting. If you would like to submit a question anonymously, please email the CAG Chair or the CAG Vice-Chair.