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Cord Blood Bank Resources

Transplant centers continue to enroll patients and access unlicensed cord blood units (CBUs) under the 10-CBA (PDF) protocol. This page contains 10-CBA forms and resources for cord blood banks.

Are you a cord blood bank interested in participation? Cord Blood Bank Qualification and Membership page.


Forms and Reporting

  1. Complete the latest version of the Maternal Risk Questionnaire (MRQ) and Infectious Disease Marker (IDM) forms (gap analysis), at the time of request
  2. Confirm eligibility and licensure status in CordSource
  3. Report product deviations

Research Protocol and Consent Form Templates

Below are cord blood research protocol and consent form templates. These templates may be used as an option to consent maternal donors for the possibility that their CBU would be used for research purposes. A separate research consent may not be necessary if your bank has decided to incorporate research language into its standard collection consent form or if you do not make units available for research purposes.

Submission to NMDP IRB

For those banks that plan to use the template materials and submit to the NMDP IRB, view IRB application informationPlease contact the NMDP IRB if you have any questions about the submission process at IRBstaff@nmdp.org.


Contact the our Cord Blood Bank Liaisons at cordliaisons@nmdp.org.

