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Donor Patient Confidentiality

NMDPSM places the utmost importance on patient and donor confidentiality. We are committed to protecting the identity and privacy of all patients and donors, and, as such, we comply with all applicable local, federal, and international laws.

Confidentiality Guidelines

Follow these guidelines and procedures for protecting the privacy of people who receive transplants or donate blood stem cells.

Post-Transplant Procedures

These procedures explain how to appropriately obtain a donor or recipient's signed consent to release their personal information to their transplant partner, and how to facilitate the exchange of anonymous items (letters, cards and gifts) between donors and recipients after transplant.

AID-00098 Anonymous Correspondence and Gifts: Policies and Procedures (Legacy A00501)
Procedure for effectively reviewing and submitting to the NMDP cards, letters, and gifts to be exchanged between donors and recipients after transplant.

AID-00097 Procedure for Obtaining Post-Transplant Consent to Release Personal Information (Legacy A00500)
Instructions on how to correctly expedite content requests through NMDP are detailed in this document. 
