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Emergency preparedness

In an effort to keep all Network members and patients safe, we have an emergency preparedness program that lays out a course of action and communication methods to ensure operations continue safely and smoothly for all hazards that may impact NMDPSM operations. See the MAN-00040 Manual of Operations Chapter 19: Emergency Preparedness (Legacy A00318) for further details.

The transplantation process requires the collaborative effort of many organizations, agencies and processes from around the world. The World Marrow Donor Association developed and released an Organizational Resiliency Standard in 2012 to help registries prepare for disasters. The World Marrow Donor Association Crisis Response, Business Continuity, and Disaster Recovery Guidelines are a concise yet thorough summary of what organizations can do to be better prepared.

To learn more about the NMDP Emergency Operations Response Plan Business Continuity Plan or other related topics, please email us at emergencypreparednessteam@nmdp.org.

Radiation Injury Treatment Network (RITN)

The Radiation Injury Treatment NetworkSM (RITN) provides comprehensive evaluation and treatment for victims of radiation exposure or other marrow toxic injuries. Many of the casualties with radiation injury will be salvageable but require outpatient or inpatient care. Recognizing this, NMDP, the U.S. Navy and American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (ASBMT) created RITN, which comprises medical centers with expertise in the management of bone marrow failure, stem cell donor centers and umbilical cord blood banks across the U.S.

For questions about the RITN, please email us at RITN@nmdp.org

Web-based RITN training

Because of your role in the RITN, your center may require you to take training, or you may be curious to learn more. To learn more about the RITN and to complete the RITN learning modulesL

  1. Go to https://ritn.net/training/web-based-training.
  2. Select a module to get started.


  • The modules are listed in the order in which we recommend you complete them. Your center will advise if you need to take only some or all of the modules.
  • You are directed to another site to complete training.
  • When prompted, enter information in the required fields, and then complete the training. You will be prompted to print a certificate of completion at the end of each training.
  • Print a certificate if needed.

Network members can log in to access emergency preparedness network announcements.